Camanachd Special- Check out the Crowd!!
It should have been the biggest day for Glen shinty since
the Loch Ness Inn changed its menu. A monster day as MacAllister himself might
have said. It wasn’t. That’s all that can be said about it. There is little
point at this stage writing a report about the game such as it was: by now the
news has moved on and since most people in the Glen were there they saw it
happen and will have formed their own opinion of what occurred on the day. The
three folk that stayed to drink in the Ben Leva will have been privileged to
hear the on-the-spot analysis of Fraser Inglis who called it right. How does
the Wing Centre know this? He recorded the match and watched the play back and
at every point where Fraser was asked what he thought, he commanded his brief
and called it right.
As for the Glen they have
to learn to score when they have the opportunities and they should try hard not to get injured. On the other hand we have to thank these lads ;all of them , on both sides , put their livelihoods on the line. They don't get paid but one missed block can mean a big loss of income.
In the meantime the Wing Centre and Glenurquhart Shinty Club
would like to thank all who came to support us at the Bught Park on Saturday.
Exiled Glenners came from near and far, from home and abroad to swell the ranks
of the faithful and the colour, noise and excitement generated by the Glen support
made the day the success it was and gave the sport one of its biggest Camanachd
Cup crowds since the Glen were there last. Thank you one and all.