
A late posting before the tribe set off to Newtonmore to strive for possession of the Balliemore. Here are two unredeemed tickets for the previous Balliemore in Oban. Are they worth anything? Time will tell. The Wing Centre, the Plumber and a pile of other folk did not receive any recompense that Saturday having parted with the spondulicks for 20 minutes of watching Kilmallie and Fort William taking part in a swimming gala. Have to admit though that the Chairman got his cash back which probably says something about why he has made it to the utter top of the Glen’s greasy pole.
The ticket below that is one that has been paid for and the music on the night enjoyed. Many thanks to the Boy , Russ and Gary Mac who had the brilliant idea that, on a night when Strathglass were coming to terms with Camanachd Cup disappointment, the Glen should hold a ceilidh dance to celebrate the game or should that be the Games!
Which takes us on to his afternoon. The Underdogs (that’s us - according to all reputable papers as well as the Courier) will have to play at the very top of their game to make anything of this Shiel side. They defeated Cabers and although the accepted wisdom is that they play bonnie shinty , perhaps they don’t have a cutting edge. Well Bill Macpherson said so last night as the Glen primary team won the Aird League with a sterling display against Dingwall Primary.
Not sure that I am convinced by Bill. Shiel will be up for it-they have not won this trophy despite years of trying. As for us we’ve been too good to enter it for years though this year with rule changes we’re in. That makes us Underdogs.
Hope it’s time for the next headline to be “Underdogs Bite Back”. Now that would be the ticket.
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