It's Shinty's Super-Saturday
Not much to say- that’s the buzz from the Wing Centre about last week’s trip to Kyles. The depleted side did fine for a half and then lost a pile of goals at the end when the guys-particularly the young ones- ran out of steam. Still well done to those who travelled and out of the experience Stuart Reid and young Calum Smith emerge with credit as did Lewis Maclennan who always seems to thrive way out west. The crack on the bus-which we paid up front for the first time in ages- was seemingly good and Dave Emery in goals played well enough in the opening phase for Jimmac to mistake him for Smack! Where did that come from? Should have gone to specsavers, James. If he had mixed him up with the “shopkeeper” then perhaps one could have understood that. The only piece of controversy came with the announcement in the local press that the Glen had as an act of desperation brought on to the field of play “59 year old manager Jim Barr.” Apparently he is not 59: he is in fact 60. Fine. Let it go.
No way is the score being recorded here but if a Kyles poet is able to send some verses up in praise of the victorious Kyles the Wing Centre will not only publish them here but smugly justify the inclusion on the grounds that thereby is a folk art preserved and that however hard it is to read, higher goals are being served in a manner of speaking.
Tomorrow we play Bute. A point is required to stave off the R word. We also play Lovat in the Strathdearn: last time we played them in a final their keeper Chris MacCallum played OK-suppose. All true Glenners will be praying for rain tomorrow at 4pm. Almost enough said except to add that the Wing Centre would rather that both games were won in the wet or not as the case may be. Truly it will seriously be shinty’s super Saturday-in the Glen at least.
The very thought of wetness caused the Wing Centre to meditate upon rain particularly of the west coast variety- the sort that shouldn’t wet you but always does. You know the drizzling, moisture-laden tidal fliuch that inundates shinty fields between Lochbroom and Bute but stops at Drum, Balgate, Castle Leod and Braeview. And lo into his hands came a Beauly inspired cartoon referring to goodness knows what.
Here you can see it but goodness knows what the Beaulacs mean by it.

Clearly Murph is implicated and one assumes the venue is way out west where the hills are all high and the cattle all low. Not only that but the suggestion is that the denizen of the deep is an optimistic west coaster who truly believes that west coast rain won’t wet you- and here was the Wing Centre thinking that west coast teams try to get games cancelled when they do not have a strong side by getting the fire brigade to wet the pitch or driving the team bus into the ditch somewhere out in the wilds. Just shows you how wrong you can be!
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